Kekalutan dan kekusutan minda terpampang di hadapanku. Manusia masih tidak mahu menggunakan akal yang dikurnia kepada mereka. Mereka beanggapan segala kemudahan yang disediakan adalah haq mutlak mereka untuk menggunakannya sewenang-wenangnya. Kehairananku makin ketara apabila mendapati kekalutan dna kekusutan minda itu terserlah di kalangan mereka yang diketgorikan sebagai berpelajaran tinggi. Adakah ia disebabkan salah didikan, pembelajaran atau keadaan yang membentuk mereka menjadi begini? Aku bimbang akan anak bangsa ku dan kebimbangan aku ini berfakta.
Keretapi yang ku naiki terus meluncur
Menuja arah yang sudah tentu
Malangnya isi perutnya berkocak
Dikocakan oleh manusia
Yang tidak tentu haluan
Yang tidak tenu tujuan
Yang berpelajaran tetapi bodoh
Yang berfikir tapi kalut
Lajunya keretapi membelah malam
Isinya terus gelap
Gelap kepercayaan
Gelap pemikiran
Gelap minda
Gelap masa hadapan
Disetiap perhentian keretapi ku membuang dan menelan
Manusia ganas tidak berperi kemanusiaan
Aku terus keraguan
Risau akan zuriatku yang akan berperang
Ajaran, nasihat dan kelakuanku sebagai sandaran
Mampukah mereka?
Keretapiku begoyang-goyang
Beralun-alun tapi bukan ombak
Isi perutnya yang berkocak akan terus berkocak
Jika perjalananya diurus oleh akal yang ketandusan
Jiwaku terus tidak tenteram
Tidak ....
Tidak ...
Tidak diubati oelh satu ketentuan
Laju pelahan keretapi terus berlalu
Akhirnya kumpulan besi waja yang tidak bernyawa
Meninggalkan terus manusia
Life is a journey. Some people take careful steps as they progress and some just go with the flow. Sometimes I just love to do that but knowing I have responsibilities I practise patient...... Nevertheless, I keep on travelling.
Friday, December 4, 2009
On The Train With a Group of Annoying Idiots, Dec 2, 2009
Terlalu angkuh diri ini agaknya sehingga mampu menasihati seseorang sementara aku sendiri tidak terdaya unutk melakukannya. Aku kalah dan terus tidak terdaya untuk melakukannya selagi aku tidak bersungguh-sungguh. Kesungguhan yang aku perlukan harus datang dari dalam yang ditonggakkan oleh jati diri dan semangat yang tidak akan luntur. Percaya ku terhadap kemampuanku tidak perlu disangkal lagi kerana aku pernah melakukannya. Kepayahan kini sebenarnya dibelengu oleh ketidakupaya ku untuk memulakannya.
What am I talking about? Not like before currently I find it is very hard for me to focus to start on my research writing. I just know once I start I would not have any problem writing.
Keinginan yang memuncak dihasilkan oleh dorongan persekitaran menolak aku kearah melakukannya. Keluarga dan sahabat terutamanya. Aku tidak boleh lagi mempertikaikan kehendak mereka.
I was trying to think and write when a very loud conversation materialized in front of me. As I was engrossed in writing I did not realize a group of college students came on board at Mid Valley Station and parked themselves in front of me. Their conversation was too loud for me and I just let it go for a few minutes thinking they will tone it down. I was wrong the decibel level increased exponentially to the extend I could not tolerate it anymore. I was annoyed big time at their behaviour. Being college students they were idiots with no sense of consideration to the rest inside the train. The boys were trying to outdo each other to see who’s more macho and the girls were blabbering as if they were the only group inside the train. Annoyed that I was, I was surprised that I could restraint myself from yelling at them. Really, I was really at my most patient.
What am I talking about? Not like before currently I find it is very hard for me to focus to start on my research writing. I just know once I start I would not have any problem writing.
Keinginan yang memuncak dihasilkan oleh dorongan persekitaran menolak aku kearah melakukannya. Keluarga dan sahabat terutamanya. Aku tidak boleh lagi mempertikaikan kehendak mereka.
I was trying to think and write when a very loud conversation materialized in front of me. As I was engrossed in writing I did not realize a group of college students came on board at Mid Valley Station and parked themselves in front of me. Their conversation was too loud for me and I just let it go for a few minutes thinking they will tone it down. I was wrong the decibel level increased exponentially to the extend I could not tolerate it anymore. I was annoyed big time at their behaviour. Being college students they were idiots with no sense of consideration to the rest inside the train. The boys were trying to outdo each other to see who’s more macho and the girls were blabbering as if they were the only group inside the train. Annoyed that I was, I was surprised that I could restraint myself from yelling at them. Really, I was really at my most patient.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
On The Train (e-Books), Nov 30, 2009
All these while I had been ignoring, in fact it was a denial, the existence of e-books. I kept on giving my excuses not to read from it as trying to stay true to the original. All that changed now. I downloaded The Lost Symbol onto my iPhone last two weeks and started reading it on the train last week. I finished it this morning. My verdict - IT WORKS! Although I may be sentimental fool that would still buy books at certain occasion e-book would be a convenient version. It is not a substitute but a very good option. While reading Lost Symbol I still was engrossed in my reading and got the same satisfaction of reading a paper based book. I used to complaint quietly that I could not read in the dark or limited light source but with my iPhone it does not matter anymore. The only drawback was my reading wound only last as long as my battery could last. Having said all these I am very sure I would not be reading any books out of my Laptop or PC. What make it works is the handheld devices like iPhone. BTW The Lost Symbol was really a disappointment to me. Not only it dragged with so much detail about Freemasons but also I could anticipate the storyline easily.
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