(When I wrote this I was really being influenced by Frank McCourt)
Dec 20, 2012 KL Sentral - JB Sentral - Tumpat, Day 1
Driving on the highway at my normal cruising speed, which means 150 kph he he, I am already virtualizing our journey in my mind. Every steps, trains and places that we are going to take and be are very clear to me. We have done this before albeit now in reverse to what we did before and the travelers just the two of us this time.
We arrive at KL Sentral at 0650.
We left the house at around 0635 with Baqir sleeping at the back. If he was not part of the adventure Baqir has always been the one to send us off.
Some part of the KL Sentral are getting ready for another day whereas others still quietly sleeping. Office workers and some on holidays are steadily streaming into the people mover hub. Making connections from one train to another walking like ants with no definite queen around. One interruption within the flow will disrupt the entire human system and the sweet early morning faces will turn sour in seconds. Unfortunately KTM Komuter has always been the culprit. I persevere for ten years already and despite all its limitations my daily train ride home is still a stress buster somehow. I just love that one hour ride home. Not this morning, everything seems to be flowing nicely. Suddenly I ask myself, ‘Is a hub necessary for information or knowledge flow?. Maybe we just let them through raw and let the receivers to interpret the meaning?’ Big question? A good topic for a World Cafe conversation ha ha ha.
No matter how frequent I have seen this scene, it is still fascinating to me. Again, apart from capturing it in my old bad sector prone memory I took another shot with my trusted Nikon. Just to make sure.
The first order of the day is my shot of coffee and breakfast. I choose Swiss Oven because of convenience. My breakfast is coffee, croissant and egg. Swiss Oven is a traveler friendly outlet with internet access as well as enough power points for everyone to recharge their phones or laptops. In my experience and to those who expire to open eateries like this please take note of these important requirements. I mention to Sam that I somewhat missed this place. Whenever I had to go to our old PJ office I’ll normally stopped at Swiss Oven for breakfast and check my emails first.
Sam decides just to have coffee and drinks hers quietly beside me. I, like clockwork is dreaming and typing this. After a while the ants like streaming in front of us bothers Sam. ‘Pening la tengok ramai orang ni.’ she says to me in Malay. It is in my sub-conscious track already so to me it is normal. In fact my concentration has never been affected by crowd and loudness
Pening la tengok ramai orang ni |
This adventure was not in my year end holiday plan by any long shot. I intended to have a quiet leave at home reading, writing and maybe a little bit of gardening. All that changed when in late November I received a memo from our HR stating that since I had reached certain milestones in my career in the organization I was given an extra five days leave.
Five days!!??
I have problem trying to go for two days now I have 7 days to clear, despite selling back 10 days. In fact, still, I had to forfeit 0.5 day.
Resurrecting the old Thailand On The Train holiday plan was out of the question with everyone’s schedules in a mess. I decided to do Malaysia On The Train in reverse as we did before instead. The plan originally was for us to travel KL Sentral - JB Sentral - Tumpat - KL Sentral - Padang Besar - KL Sentral in 6 days as below but when I studied the map and situation I had another two options to explore.
The Original Plan
20 Dec KL Sentral (0900) - JB Sentral (1527)
20 Dec JB Sentral (1905) - Tumpat (21 Dec, 0900)
21 Dec Overnight at Kota Baru
22 Dec Wakaf Baru (1902 - KL Sentral (23 Dec, 0755 )
23 Dec KL Sentral (2100)- Padang Besar (Dec 24, 0930)
24 Dec Padang Besar (1845) - KL Sentral (Dec 25, 0530)
The second option that I explored quite hard was to take the Thailand train from Sg Golok to Hadyai and from there to Padang Besar. It was really a viable option. I researched and have the information I needed. I seek advice on this option and had to abandon it due to safety reason. Furthermore, I am traveling with my wife I did not want to risk it. This was confirmed later on the trip when I seek advice from the local. In the end I decided and booked as below. The difference with this option is that instead of coming back to KL and go up again we will be taking an express bus ride from KB to Kangar. We had crossed the East West Highway three times in our Ranger. This is the first time for both of us on a bus. The only thing is I made a blunder when I booked the train tickets instead of just an overnight in KB we had to extend another night. Well! life is full of surprises.
The Real Thing
20 Dec KL Sentral (0900) - JB Sentral (1527)
Premier Class (AFC), Coach S4, Seats 9B-C
20 Dec JB Sentral (1905) - Tumpat (21 Dec, 0900)
Superior Night Class (ADNS), Coach T3, Berth 22 & 24
21 Dec Sabrina Court Hotel, Kota Baru
22 Dec Royal Guest House, Kota Baru
23 Dec Kota Baru (0930) - Kangar (1900), Transnational Bus Express
23 Dec Putra Place, Kangar
24 Dec Arau (1906) - KL Sentral (Dec 25, 0530)
Superior Class (ASC), Coach L6, Seats 9C-D
When I asked who want to go only my dear wife said yes. Even little big Mar said no to the idea this time. For the first time we are having our own adventure without our family. A precious moment it would be for both of us. That is the reason why both of us are having early breakfast at KL Sentral now. We will board our first train to JB at 0900 and take the next one up to Tumpat from JB at 1905.
Finish with our breakfast and getting anxious, we walk out to wait for our train.
The Sinaran Selatan train to Woodland departs KL Sentral 3 minutes late at 0903. I am a bit quiet as I slept a bit late last night and I am thinking catching 40 winks early. Sam starts on her reading immediately but I am more interested looking around and commenting how shabby the Premier Class coach is. I mean it is really sad that KTMB can not even try to maintain the coach properly. Broken, chipped seats, bad black ceiling and discolored padding all around. It is not that they do not have ridership, I remark to Sam, it is just not doing the small things quickly. Teasing me, Sam jokes they need me as their CEO to which I reply not in my lifetime LOL. Seriously.I feel they could do more if the top management traveled on the train more often. If you must know I paid RM64 each for the seats. All we are getting extra are a small bottled mineral water and a piece of banana cake. Other than that you are on your own.
All aboard! |
The Premier Class |
When we were waiting, looking around at all my would be fellow passengers I could not really distinguished whether they were Malaysians or SIngaporeans. In this coach now it is so obvious to me most of them are SIngaporeans and those going to Singapore. The Premier Class, due to the size of the seat and space, seated us in pairs on the left and individually on the right. Our seats 9B and C are comfortable but really look old. Next to me an elderly Malay lady from Singapore going home. So does a lady behind her. I know this from their own conversation. The lady on my right spent most of her time on the trip either reading religious book or napping. Behind us are a sweet mixed couple from French, this is my best guess, and by the look on them I deduced to be either musicians or teachers. The seats in front of us are empty and most of the time occupied by the conductors to rest. So why are they on the train? My guess, convenience, they hate to fly and they are train nuts like me.
Novel - 'Aku dan Keretapi' LOL |
I doze off soon and as if being programmed I wake up at Soromban and it is 1014. The connection too strong and the air in Seremban must be different LOL. The double tracking of the train line is very much in progress and has changed the outlook of the surrounding areas. No more the old wooden buildings along the line which is good. I honestly believe the future train travel looks good but if they keep on ignoring the small things it will be the same old things. To me different train culture will emerge with the change. Historically the busiest and most popular train stations would be those in the city where you can find boarding schools, colleges and universities. These students create certain culture and add colors to the train travels. My personal train travel experiences as a student in the 70‘s are something that I’ll will always cherish and talk about. The other main group of travelers would be the not well to do and locals along the tracks that revolve their life around the train schedule. This is another amazing group that has a slight different culture on the east coast and west north lines.
I am already witnessing the change now. Different set of people taking short rides, business travelers as well as foreigners, not backpackers. The double tracks and electric trains will make it possible for those staying as far as Melaka to commute daily to work in Seremban or KL. The property along the track especially those within the vicinity of train stations will develop and viable. That is why I am a bit perplex as to why KTMB is taking their time. It can be a chicken and egg dichotomy. To be really successful to me the state government has to be involved.
New station |
Sg Gadut is really one new station built for the future. Passing that I decide to sit at the door like the old times enjoying the scenery outside. Of course it is far from the truth. The old days the gap between two coaches would really be an open air area where we used to park ourselves most of the time talking, smoking and sometimes being nuisance to others. Life along the track still interest and surprise me. Now beautiful Minangkabau houses and new buildings. In the future I do not know what. I sit there long enough to reminisce before going back to my seat to rest to prepare myself for our long ride to the east immediately after.
We are at Gemas at around 1215 and I was sleeping then. I overhear somehow the attendant talking to someone over the walkie talkie that the air-condition system is malfunction. I discovered later it was not the air-con but major electrical problem. We wait of course for KTMB to solve the problem. The solution is pretty easy it seems but it took KTMB more than an hour to get us on the way again. I am like a school boy again walking up and down and getting excited. In the old days we were sure to be waiting the minimum of three hours at Gemas for all the three express trains from the south, north and east to arrive, dismantle and reconnect again before we could continue our journey.
The new Gemas Station |
The Old Gemas Station |
I step out on to the platform while waiting like most people and I realise that we are at the new unfinished Gemas station. I just could not believe myself when I look at the old station down 400 metres away on my right from the new one. I am looking at it with the current eyes but seeing the station in the 70‘s. I am sad really and the nostalgic fool in me starts to kick in and misses the old station where we had a lot of memories. Thirty or thirty five years ago once I was on the platform my Peter Stuyvesant would come out from my pocket and I would start to smoke immediately. Today I just sit at the bench and look around. I see a group having sort of picnic lunch around the bench on my right and passengers as long as the train on the platform on my left talking and a few really concern faces. In situation like this there are no less wannabe experts crowding around the train technicians trying to solve the problem. I just watch them for a far.
Wannabe train technicians |
Because it is getting hotter in the coach Sam joins me on the platform and we start to talk and joke around. What’s a journey with out unexpected adventure. We discuss that if we were delayed for more than two hours we may run the risk of not making our connection or rather next train to Tumpat. My solution to that is simple I tell my wife. If we were really late we just disembark at Gemas and wait for our train there as it will travel up through Gemas. Otherwise we could just disembark and wait at major stations along the way to JB like Segamat or Kluang. That would be fun. In the end we do not have to.
Clearly to me there are two types of passengers on this train. One group that are used to KTMB’s shortcomings and another group of newbies or first timers. The first group they are relax and seem to enjoy themselves knowing not worth their salt to bitch about KTMB but make the most of the situation. The second group - well you should see their anxious faces and their understandable failure to understand why this has to happen.
A big relief to everyone we are finally on our way at 1320 and jokingly the conductor says the driver will hit gear 5 straight away when I ask what time the ETA for JB. We will make it after all as the conductor tells me we would reach JB Sentral at around 1630 or 1645. BTW the solution to the problem is to change the engine car where they have a few at Gemas.
The conductor was not joking as the driver really hit the floor now and we are flying towards JB. Along the way to Segamat I can see the water is rising in several rivers. It worries me a bit looking at the dark sky and knowing the area. Further more we are going east where flood is the norm at this time of of the year.
We arrive at Segamat Station at 1340 and several people disembark including the Chinese gentleman that is so concern about the delay.
The train by now stops at almost every small stations along the way and a lot of passengers get on board at places like Bekok and Kempas. All of them are bound for Singapore. It must be easier to enter Singapore by train.
My phone indicates1632 as we approach JB Sentral. Expecting it to be as big as KL Sentral I am not disappointed. We walk up to the escalator that takes us to a level where customs officers usher us to the right escalator to the main lobby level. The customs are there of course for those going to or coming from Singapore. The lobby floor consist of the main waiting area for KTMB customers, information counters and retail outlets where you can find the normal outlets like Mc D and Starbucks. Of course there are local eateries as well. Comparatively the area is not as impressive as KL Sentral. The first thing that we are looking for is the surau and I ask the man at the information counter and we follow his direction. Why I am not surprise to find the surau tucked in a corner next to the restroom. Convenience of course but I cannot get myself away form thinking that the surau was built as an after thought. In fact for most buildings surau is probably the last consideration. Architects and designers please take note. The most important thing about building a surau is the direction of the qibla and that will determine the size and the shape. When I enter the surau at JB Sentral on my right is the wuduk area and on my left immediately I am facing those praying inside. Muslims in their right mind would know firstly it would be difficult to enter with someone already praying directly facing you and worse those praying would not be able to concentrate. The design is wrong and I am not wrong it was done as an after thought. I believe architects and designers should think firstly where to place the surau in the building. This is another irony in a muslim country.
JB Sentral is an integrated transportation hub of Johor Bahru, situated in the centre of the city of Johor Bahru. JB Sentral is one of the main components of the Gerbang Selatan Bersepadu (GSB) project of National and Strategic importance, which has high multiplier effects and spin-offs that brings various economic, social and political benefits to the country and its people.
JB Sentral has been officially launched and proclaimed by the Sultan of Johor, DYMM Sultan Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar on the 26 June 2010.
JB Sentral which has a gross floor area of 89,417 sq-meters will ease traffic movement in the city’s commercial centre and acts as a main stop-over for people commuting between Malaysia and Singapore. JB Sentral offers city railway facilities, 6 platforms with a 25,000 persons per day capacity.
For public convenience, JB Sentral offers public multi-level car parks with 726 parking lots and 18 commercial lots and 30 kiosks.
Located just next to Bangunan Sultan Iskandar (BSI), the Custom, Immigration & Quarantine Complex, and walking distance to town, JB Sentral houses taxi stand with coupon counter and a public bus bay area providing ample public transportation facilities.
JB Sentral also houses Malaysia Railways (KTMB), complete with its ticketing counter which start selling tickets on 16 June 2010 and provides international train services to Thailand and Singapore as well as domestic destinations. Other facilities provided for public conveniences are multi storey public cars, toilets and “surau”.
The retail area includes western and local favourite restaurants, 24 hours convenience shops and a fast food restaurant, money changers, apparels & cosmetic shops, entertainment, gift & souvenir outlets.
Property and Land Management Division of the Prime Minister’s Department is the owner and custodian of the building that has been given the mandate by the Federal government to manage BSI. Advanced Maintenance Precision Management is honoured to be selected and given the opportunity to undertake the Facility Management Services to this BSI Complex. AMPM’s main task is to ensure the smooth running of its operational aspects, including safety and security controls within the building perimeter.
We have approximately 2 hours to spare before we board our next train to Tumpat. Out side the surau you can find ringgit operated lockers if you want to store your luggage there. Initially we are thinking of doing so but when we look closely it is way too expensive for our liking. RM10 peruse per locker. I do not know the rate at KL Sentral but I just do not wish to pay RM10 to store our luggage for less than two hours. After all what we have are not that heavy or big to carry.
We have not had any decent lunch yet. Finding the outlets at JB Sentral not something I would like to take. With our luggage we walk down across to City Square Shopping Complex to find something better. Both buildings are connected by a pedestrian bridge. The two-level escalator takes us down to the bridge and we walk across. It is Thursday evening and I am surprise to find a lot of people at City Square.
I prefer to have sandwich but the Subway we pass is full. We do not have time to wait so we walk further ahead into the complex. Breek seems to be the right place for me, western food, not because I have been westernized but I cannot just take any food now days. So salad and steak are good to last for my travel up to Tumpat. Sam sit charging her Galaxy Tab accompanying me with her drink. Anxious, I rush my food in and as soon as I am finish we walk back to JB Sentral.
With us there are already several would be traveling companions waiting for the train to the east coast. Since I need to charge my phone we walk to a corner where I can tab the power outlet. The designer, architect and the management of JB Sentral are still living in the stone age. Everyone, especially travelers like us, will carry smart phones or devices and one constant need is to recharge them. Yet, almost no power outlets available for us to do so. I have to resort to being McGyver or rather like a thief crossing the barrier to charge my handphone.
We do not have to wait long as on schedule at 1906 the train arrive from Singapore. We walk down to Platform 2 to board. We do not have to walk far on the platform as our coach, T3, is just a few steps away from the escalator. Once onboard we immediately settle down at berth 22 and 24, across each other. Being too familiar with train travel we know the drill already.
The train rolls out of JB Sentral at 1922
We depart JB with the coach still empty and I am wondering where would be the rest be boarding as I know the train is fully booked. I have my answer when we arrive at Kempas when most travelers to Kelantan get onboard. Our top bunks now are occupy by teenage girls and they are talkative and full of energy. It spells trouble for us and I am right as they parked themselves in one bunk and start to enjoy themselves.
As anticipated the conductor comes into the coach to check us in. Although I know what the answer would be I still have one standard question for him. While he is checking our tickets I ask him is there a surau on the train. He says no and stop there without offering anything. I am not picky or being difficult as we know what to do already but that is another irony living in a muslim country.
Well, I am a bit tired and manage to get an early sleep but when the train stop at Gemas at 2230 the loud talking and laughing by the girls awake me.
Dec 21, 2012 - On The Train and Wet KB, Day 2
Gemas is too bright to my liking and as if wanting to provoke my old memories the train stop exactly where I could see the old station clearly. We were almost at the same spot this afternoon. Still lighted I easily go back to late 1970’s. Then, there would be one train from the north coming down to Gemas carrying passengers and coaches destined for east coast and south. Second train from the east will come down to Gemas carrying passengers and coaches going to south and north. The third train was coming up from the south carrying passengers destined for east coast and north. The three trains will meet at Gemas and their coaches were ‘dismantled’ and ‘distributed’ for the respective destinations. Any of them got delayed the rest will be late leaving Gemas. So Gemas is the KTMB passengers distribution point and a very important one. That is why Gemas is so known and dear to all of us train travelers then. We were so season in this process we just got down at Gemas at whatever time we arrived, normally around 1 am, and parked ourselves somewhere to kill time. At three in the morning when all the three trains ready to move out again we knew exactly where our coach would be. The first few times the process of cutting and joining the train was fun to watch but after a few times we got bored and started to be mischievous. I do not know when exactly KTM stopped this. Obviously it is not economical and practical to do that anymore. Also, to cut travel time between these destinations. Now we have dedicated train from the south going up to the north and east, from the east to the north and south and from the north to the east and south.
I am awake because my body could sense that the train is standing at a station and not moving for quite a while. I look out and directly on my side is the sign of Jerantut station. It is really bright lights and the time is 0214. I have to go to relief myself and sadly have to wake Sam up. No, I am not afraid to go alone ha ha. I need her to look after my laptop and camera.
I stay up a little bit trying my phone and I have a reply from my niece in KB asking what time will we be arriving. I ignore it as I do not want to bother her. We will just be happy on our own. That is me and nothing personal. In two hours we will be in Kuala Lipis, another well known station for all of us in the 70’s. I want to continue to write but the battery is so low that I abandon the desire. Staying up waiting would be fun. Somehow as if being sedated I just go under.
I am up again somewhere in the mountainous part of the journey and it is nearly seven. Still a bit of darkness out side but I know we had passed our normal prayers time. I did not set the alarm to save the phone battery and I thought I would be up on the auto mode. I was wrong. We went through Kuala Lipis, Gua Musang and Dabong in our dreams.
After a bit of cleaning up we decide to have breakfast at the buffet car. Getting there means going through bodies sitting, leaning and even laying down on the floor. That is a normal scene on the train going east I inform Sam. These people most of them boarded without tickets hoping to get seat and to pay on board. Of course the risk is not getting any like many of them now. It is either the station master at their stations allow them to board or the conductors on the train taking their money, legally of course, that make it worse. Well, the old days were even worse. It is the culture along this route as well as they do not have any other traveling option. That is why I am not surprise there are a lot of people sleeping and lounging at the buffet car when we arrive there. Of course they are not suppose to be there but the conductors turning their heads away. Lucky for us there are two seats at the table where a lady and her son already having breakfast. So we share table for a while. Breakfast on the train would be the normal Malaysian hot drinks, boiled eggs and ‘roti bakar’.
We remain at the buffet car to kill sometimes. Furthermore I know passengers will start to disembark group by group soon. The first is when we arrive at Kuala Krai station at 0755. Roughly about 20 to 30 people disembark and 2 to 3 locals get on board for a short trip somewhere. I have been on this line since my school days so I know what to expect already. I wonder what else could I write about it. The train will stop at only major stations such as Tanah Merah and Pasir Mas. Passing Temangan at 0821 indicates we are making good progress and we are still lounging at the buffet car. The train travels at a constant speed through kampungs and paddy fields. Remnants of debris, flooded fields, and even houses are exhibits of past heavy downpour. The normal scene in Kelantan in December. Funny thing is I am not expecting anything worse than that. Well, I had love to experience wading in waist high water around KB. Looking at the situation I do not think I am going to get it.
The train rolls into Tanah Merah 10 minutes after Temangan and the station’s signboard appears on my left to confirm it. Another big group of passengers disembark making the train emptier and lighter he he he. Next will be Pasir Mas. We continue to sit at the buffet car and talk. Sam mention about the morning street market she saw the last time we were passing through. It is Pasir Mas I reply and she suggest we get down at Pasir Mas. It would be a bit longer taxi ride to KB then I counter. Just before we reach Pasir Mas the buffet car attendant tells us that they are closing and would be locking the car soon. All of them are getting down at Pasir Mas, going home for a day. Another crew will take over the next day. After their day off they are not sure whether the will be going down to JB or KL when they take over. That is their life. The train is actually their second home.
Nothing much has change with Pasir Mas station since the last I passed through. Not as many people on the platform as before maybe due to the rainy season. It is 0856 and we are making good progress for Wakaf Baru. Back before we came into Pasir Mas we decided to disembark at Wakaf Baru instead of Tumpat. We sit in our berth waiting to disembark in few minutes. We talk and sit to enjoy the journey. Sam tells me where ever we walk people will look at us, especially me. I am acting like me so I do not realise I am an attraction, I joke. The truth is you will take whatever you love to do for granted and sometimes you are totally oblivious with what your projection is to others. With my Discovery pants, Cap Ayam t-shirt, vacation hat, Pallas sandal, a bulky camera and most importantly my demeanor Sam tells me most people think that I am a professional photographer on assignment.
We arrive at Wakaf Baru at 0910 and ninety percent of the train is empty now. The moment we are on the platform I request Sam to wait for me to take few shots of the station and train. Again being myself I go searching for what I think good subjects or angles. The spirit of adventure and wanting to explore really gets into me now ha ha ha.
Sam was waiting at the entrance and overheard a group next to her actually talking about me. Of course they were talking in a local slang, still Sam managed to decipher the conversation something along the line that I am a photo journalist on assignment about the train service. LOL . That reminds me of ZZ’s, NJ’s and Shaari’s joke about me being a Watan’s tabloid photographer. The best part Sam cheekily leads them on ha ha ha.
I am too tired to argue or negotiate the taxi fare. That much I need a shower and a good nice sleep. So I agree to pay RM25 to take us to Sabrina Court. I know it is not that far and I used to pay RM25 for a taxi fare from Tumpat to KB. I do not mind really. As usual I strike a conversation with the taxi driver. It has been raining for the last four days but today a bit of a dry spell. So no sign of flood yet. He tries to solicit more information from me and I know his intention. So I play along and reply his questions accordingly. At the same time I seek the opportunity to ask about the possibility of train travel from Sg Golok to Hadyai. Yes I can do that and the train will leave Sg Golok train station at 1100 Thailand time, which is 1000 in Malaysia. The only thing he says he would not advice my wife and me to do it now. The situation in Sg Golok is still a bit unstable and he himself has not been there for a while. He is not the only person to say about this. Which means we are sticking to our third option
Of course we are early to check in but still I am hoping for the room to be ready. The two ladies at the counter gladly check us in and and with the key we take the lift up to the second floor. I put in and turn the key and discover the room has not been made up - not ready. I take the lift down again and after a discussion the ladies change us to another room and the room will be ready in half an hour. Half a hour is a long wait for us so the only thing to do is to walk to check out KB. We have had sort of breakfast already so eating is not in our agenda. We walk pass The Store and our legs in automatic mode direct us to Pasar Khadijah. Might as well check it out and buy whatever we need there. The pasar seems deserted to us but we love it and continue to explore at will. I take few cliche shots of the place and move on to look for something that one not use to find in Klang Valley. One of my missions during any travels is to look, record and share things that are out of the ordinary. That is why I love to walk in cities or towns so much. Serendipity, again, if you wish.
No matter how many times I have been at Pasar Khadijah there is always something to be excited about. Fruits, fishes, fresh vegetables and of course the colorful people in there. Mostly the colorful people that you meet. They will help you to give certain perspective of your own life. What matter to them may be something that you have taken for granted and vice versa. It is that simple life that we crave no matter how we define simple.
Sam wishes to buy one or two batik sarong for her collection at the Pasar Budaya Baru. Well the place is not baru at all of course. We walk up the stairs and suddenly we realise we are really tried LOL . It is time to turn back.
Considering the location and the name Sabrina Court could have been maintained better. Again the lack of maintenance mentality prevails in our culture. All the small things that matter left ignored. I did not expect much so I am not surprise when I walk into the room. Basic stuff for back packers.
Across the road in front of the hotel is Restoran Pok Sen and suppose to be opened 24 hours. the two of us lovers on an up-tenth honeymoons walk across the road to find something for our lunch. A very late lunch at 1500. Options not that many, still, enough for both of us to be satisfied. Because of the lauk-lauk, against all expectations, I ask for a plate of rice and request the lady to pile it up with all that I wish to taste. Of course Sam’s eyes grow as big as a coconut looking at the pile. Against all expectations Sam order mee goreng he he he. Later she regretted the choice.
We have walked KB before and sure there were not anything new to see. Nevertheless early on we decided to go to Kamdar for site visit ha ha ha. Kamdar is a block away from Restoran Pok Sen. The truth is outlet like this in different towns can get you similar but different products. Huh!? What I mean is that you can get almost similar shirts, pants or what ever but of different product lines. Or sometimes everything similar but in different sizes and colors.
It starts to drizzle when we walk
The building that house Kamdar is in a mess. In fact for whatever the reasons most buildings in KB are like that. We brave it anyway and start to browse. I am always the one to say what else to buy we have everything already and I am also the first to buy in the end LOL. The one that breaks my resolve is a smart sweater supposedly designed by Pierre Cardin. Why not!? At RM15 it is really a bargain and the most important thing is it looks good on me. Because of the sweater I have to find a matching cotton pant ha ha ha. Yes, I must! But after moving from isle to isle I cannot find any. The search will continue. Now I have legitimate mission at Parkson after this LOL.
KB looks gloomy under the constant drizzle and being Friday very empty as well. We walk along the corridor towards the KB bus station two blocks away. The reason we are heading that way is because I intend to claim our Transnasional bus ticket for our journey to Kangar on Sunday. I had booked the seats online and with the printed payment voucher I need to claim the proper tickets at their counter. The moment we enter their premise I produce the paper to the man at the counter. Man!!! is he the most unfriendly front office personnel I have ever met. The weather is already gloomy outside must you make it worse by imitating it as well. He must be thinking the reason we exist in his life is because of him. We walk out not fast enough as soon as we have our tickets. The good thing is Parkson is just next to the bus station.
Walking in at the perfume section I realise I need to buy one. As usual Sam decides how I should smell. Today it is Polo and when I pay up I receive RM30 free vouchers. That sends us into another excursion on the upper floors.
As we are walking outside where night market stalls are taking shape I notice there are movement at the top right side of Pasar Khadijah. I suspect must be something good that we have missed before. We walk across and on the ground floor is where all the ladies selling local kueh-kueh. A very good indicator to another good thing and with that we walk up the stairs, to our delight, to find a lot of food stalls Kelantanese style. The kind of food stall you can only find at fresh markets in Kelantan.
Finding a good spot we sit ourselves and I order ‘laksam’. Fuh! what a taste and if my doctor happened to be around he would drill me on the spot. Yes, that good ha ha ha. As consolation I ask for ‘kopi o kosong’ to go with the ‘laksam’ ha ha ha. We just sit there to enjoy the moment. After a while we walk down to cross the road. It is still early to go back to our room so we adjourn to Mc D to have coffee. Coffee in Kelantan sure taste different, even a McD coffee. We spend the rest of the evening sitting there watching the world of KB passing by.
Click https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151354149052246.524881.732507245&type=3 for the rest of the visuals